
Red Rose Bouquet


Express your deepest love and passion with our classic “Red Rose Bouquet.” This stunning arrangement features the finest long-stemmed red roses, handpicked for their vibrant color and flawless beauty.


Express your love and passion with our classic “Red Rose Bouquet.” We handpick the finest long-stemmed red roses for their vibrant color and flawless beauty, crafting a captivating arrangement that speaks volumes. Perfect for romantic occasions like Valentine’s Day, anniversaries, or simply saying “I love you,” this bouquet symbolizes timeless affection. Visit our Yaletown store in Vancouver to pick up your bouquet or order online for convenient delivery and make a lasting impression today.

Additional information


6 Stems Roses BQ, 12 Stems Roses BQ, 24 Stems Roses BQ, 50 Stems Roses BQ, 100 Stems Roses BQ

Color Palette

All Red, All White, All Pink, All Yellow

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