Garden Bouquet


Our Garden Bouquet is a delightful celebration of nature’s beauty, featuring a vibrant mix of seasonal blooms and lush greenery. Each bouquet is thoughtfully crafted to evoke the charm of a blooming garden, bringing warmth and joy to any occasion. Perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, or simply to brighten someone’s day, this arrangement is a breathtaking gift that captures the essence of freshness and love. Share the beauty of the outdoors with our enchanting Garden Bouquet!






The Garden Bouquet from Sunflower Florist features a stunning four-color palette, including Pastel, Bright, Florist Choice, and Neutral tones. This versatile bouquet effortlessly enhances the atmosphere of any event with its elegant and vibrant design.

Whether you’re celebrating a special occasion or honoring a loved one, the Garden Bouquet adds beauty and charm to every moment. Additionally, its carefully curated colors allow you to choose tones that perfectly complement the mood of your celebration.

The white flowers symbolize purity and grace, while blush tones convey admiration and affection, making this bouquet incredibly meaningful. Furthermore, the pastel shades bring a soft and soothing touch, while the bright colors add energy and joy. Together, they create an unforgettable arrangement that resonates with warmth and positivity.

This bouquet is ideal for weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, or even as a thoughtful gift to brighten someone’s day. Moreover, its versatile color palette ensures it suits various events, from intimate gatherings to grand celebrations.

Visit our Yaletown flower shop in Vancouver to personally select your bouquet from our premium, fresh flower collection. Alternatively, order online for fast and reliable delivery, ensuring your bouquet arrives in pristine condition at your recipient’s doorstep.

We take pride in crafting each Garden Bouquet with care and precision to ensure it radiates beauty and elegance. Additionally, the thoughtful design and vibrant colors make this bouquet a perfect centerpiece or décor piece for any setting.

Order the Garden Bouquet today from Sunflower Florist and create a lasting impression with its stunning four-color palette. Let its beauty, charm, and timeless appeal enhance your celebration and fill the day with joy and elegance.

Additional information


Standard, Large, Deluxe

Colour Palettes

Pastel, Bright, Florist Choice, Neutral

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